by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Apr 5, 2015 | Dental Health, Parent Questions, Treatment Options, Uncategorized
FAQ: What are sealants? Sealants are a protective coating that can be placed in the deep grooves and pits of permanent molars (and sometimes other teeth). It is a white material that flows into the cleaned enamel, and when the blue light hits the sealant, it is cured...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Mar 24, 2015 | Dental Health, Parent Questions, Treatment Options, Uncategorized
FAQ: What are the different ways you can fix my child’s cavities? Actual picture of a patient treated by Dr. Baxter. The treatment we use for children will depend on many different factors and can be quite complex. The two most important factors are the...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 27, 2015 | Cavities, Dental Health, Infant oral health, Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
FAQ: How Does My Child Get Cavities? The two ways that your child can get cavities are by not brushing (or flossing) his or her teeth, and by consuming too much sugar. Sugar can be in many forms, either liquid (milk, juice, or other sugary drinks) or solid (sweets and...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 18, 2015 | Dental Health, Infant oral health, Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
Frequently Asked Question: When should my child first go to the dentist? The old answer was to see the dentist by age three. This recommendation was because most dentists who see kids are general dentists who did not want to see small, crying, uncooperative...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 11, 2015 | Dental Health, Parent Questions, Uncategorized
FAQ: Does My Child Need Braces? We hear this question daily too! Sometimes, parents ask if their two year old will need braces… and often it is too early to tell. Typically we can spot major problems early (severe crowding, jaw growth problems) around age 4-5. Once...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 4, 2015 | Dental Health, Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
FAQ: Should my child use a fluoride toothpaste? We have parents ask this question daily as well. The answer may surprise you! We follow the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Dental Association recommendations of starting a fluoride toothpaste as...