by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Mar 17, 2016 | Cavities
We are doing some “Tooth Tips” for 89.9 WAY-FM (the best Christian radio station in Birmingham) and we wanted to share them with you. We will be releasing the three one-minute spots over the next couple of weeks. This radio station plays the best Christian...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Oct 29, 2015 | Cavities, Parent Questions
This is going to sound crazy, but eating Halloween candy on Halloween is not dangerous for your teeth. The bigger concern is when the candy is eaten frequently throughout the year and becomes a habit. For example, it’s much better for your child’s teeth to allow them...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Jun 13, 2015 | Cavities, Dental Health, Parent Questions
Flossing is a key part of maintaining a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. But let’s be honest, flossing is not very high on the to-do list. Sometimes, it takes so much effort to get your child’s teeth brushed at night, that adding flossing would be just...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Apr 20, 2015 | Cavities, Parent Questions, Treatment Options
FAQ: Why are baby teeth important? They’re going to fall out anyway, right?! Baby teeth, or primary teeth, are present in the child’s mouth from around 6 months until they are twelve. Baby teeth are critical for a child’s eating, smiling, speaking, and...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 27, 2015 | Cavities, Dental Health, Infant oral health, Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
FAQ: How Does My Child Get Cavities? The two ways that your child can get cavities are by not brushing (or flossing) his or her teeth, and by consuming too much sugar. Sugar can be in many forms, either liquid (milk, juice, or other sugary drinks) or solid (sweets and...