by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | May 16, 2017 | Dental Health, Infant oral health, Pediatric Dentistry
Many parents might find themselves wondering why we make all this fuss about baby teeth. They’re going to fall out anyway, right? It is true that the baby teeth will fall out eventually. The trouble is, some of those teeth are still in the mouth for a long time. Did...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Jul 2, 2016 | Infant oral health, Pediatric Dentistry, Uncategorized
Why did we get a new laser? We had been using the iLase dental laser from Biolase. It’s a pen-like device that belongs to a subset of lasers called “diode” lasers. How it works is the tip is “initiated” by something like cork or blue...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Jul 24, 2015 | Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry, Uncategorized
A parent asked this question on our Facebook page. If anyone has any questions or suggestions for future blog posts, please post them on our page or in the comments section, and I will be happy to answer them! Typically a child who is fearful of the dentist will have...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Jul 9, 2015 | Pediatric Dentistry
“Dentistry with a Mission” An article written about us when we first opened used the phrase “Dentistry with a Mission,” and it stuck. Our full mission statement is to “provide exceptional, individualized oral healthcare for infants, children, adolescents, and...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | May 4, 2015 | Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
FAQ: What should I do if my child knocks out his permanent tooth? The best thing to do with a baby tooth that is knocked out is to put it under the child’s pillow for the tooth fairy. However, when a permanent tooth is knocked out, it is critical that action be taken...
by Richard Baxter DMD, MS | Feb 27, 2015 | Cavities, Dental Health, Infant oral health, Parent Questions, Pediatric Dentistry
FAQ: How Does My Child Get Cavities? The two ways that your child can get cavities are by not brushing (or flossing) his or her teeth, and by consuming too much sugar. Sugar can be in many forms, either liquid (milk, juice, or other sugary drinks) or solid (sweets and...